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Writer's pictureLeslie Nydick

The Water Cooler Misses You

Maybe you are working remotely, or you’re alone in the office, or a combination of both.

What are you missing?

The water cooler meet-ups, the passing by someone's desk, and the chat that starts in the elevator.

So how do you start meeting those people that you don't even know that you don't know.

Look up who is on another team, department, or division.

Select someone and write a note to request a 15 minute chat.

Then, choose someone else, and invite them for a 15 minute chat.

What’s next?

Repeat, repeat, and keep on repeating.

Before you know it, you will have created your own virtual water cooler.

Those chats may result in a new work friend, learning more about another part of the company, a collaborative project, and more.

Your virtual water cooler chats are good for communication, good for business, AND good for your career.


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