Show Your Heart
Business isn't always all business. Any business wouldn't be a business without the people working in it. Those people are humans and sometimes, they need compassion.
Humans can't always leave all their personal issues at the door when they arrive at the office. They can't always hold their feelings until they walk back out through that office door. Their feelings, worries and personal lives come with them to the office. This happens when working at an office or working from home.
Most of the time, those humans are productive. The proof is your successful business. Then there are times, when those humans need to know your heart.
Show them your heart!
How? Maybe it is to say, “I care.” Or ask, “how are you?” in a way that they know you really want to hear the response. Or it is also telling someone to take the rest of the day off with no further explanation. Let the recipient hear and see your compassion.
Show your heart!